All Babies Deserve Clean Diapers
Babies without clean diapers are exposed to more potential health risks & are less likely to be accepted by daycare providers, leaving parents unable to attend work or school. A baby in a dirty diaper will cry, and the caregiver out of diapers will feel helpless.
One in Three
1 in 3 U.S. families experience diaper need. We want to change that.
Running Out
At an average rate of six diaper per day per child (and more than double that for newborns), many families struggle to provide enough dry diaper for their babies.
Did you know diapers cannot be purchase with food stamps or obtained through WIC? These programs are for food and beverage only.
Need diapers?
Moms worry about not having enough diapers for their babies. Stretching what's on hand makes it worse. Meeting the need is an ongoing challenge right now, so we are grateful for our supporters.